Unexpected Setbacks

  • Play:
  • Song Name: Unexpected Setbacks
  • Artist: Rev Tim Pickard
  • Album: Exodus
  • Year: 2022

Things don't always go as expected, even in ministry. As we look at the life of Moses, let's see how he responds to trials and disappointment:
1) Expect it to Be Hard- Moses and the Israelites seemed to believe that getting out of Egypt would be easy and immediate. They shouldn’t have- God had told them it would be hard and that it wouldn’t happen right away. We need to realize that it is often difficult and painful for follow Jesus and things don’t always happen in the timeframe we would prefer.
2) Guard Against Wavering- crushed expectations can lead to wavering and doubt- we start to wonder if our old master was better- this was the Israelites- they had believed and now they were calling themselves Pharaoh’s servants. Moses himself wavers as well.
3) Rehearse What You Know- the solution to the wavering was to listen to the Lord- he 1) reminds Moses of who he is 2) repeats his promises 3) reiterates Moses calling. In our wavering we generally don’t need new truth- we need to hear again the basic/core truths that will renew us and shape our hearts.