More Than Issues - Part 2: Race

  • Play:
  • Song Name: More Than Issues Part 2 - Race
  • Artist: Rev Tim Pickard
  • Album: More Than Issues
  • Year: 2022

How does the Gospel enable us to fight ethnic sin and pursue ethnic unity as the church?
1) The Gospel Flattens Ethnic Superiority- the gospel tells us we’re all condemned sinners regardless of our good works, our ethnicity, etc. It also tells us that we’re all invited to come to Christ and be redeemed/forgiven/reconciled. In this there is no room for boasting or any sense of superiority.
2) The Gospel Creates Multi-Ethnic Unity- this same gospel creates a remarkable unity- a unity that bridges natural and ethnic barriers and brings us together as one people of God- one body- one new man. This doesn’t erase our ethnicity/culture but instead gives us an opportunity to glorify Christ through our diversity and through living out a diverse unity.